St Augustine Travertine Cleaning


 St Augustine Travertine Cleaning


St Augustine Travertine Cleaning is one of the main services we provide. We have an extensive list of reference throughout St Johns county.

The pictures in this post were all taken in St Johns County. The floor in the beautiful Ponte Vedra water front residence. was refinished using our unique honing process.  The floor was neglected and need to be honed and sealed. The tiles were in excellent condition to be refinished, and you can see the dramatic results in this photo array. The work was completed with the Klindex Levigator wet diamond grinder. This machine is a true beast at 4 horse power. Fabric and Tile Masters is well experienced in stone floor restoration.

Travertine is a natural stone that has some unique maintenance features. Most travertine we see is a polish finish. This particular stone is a hone finish at about a 220 grit. This finish is a tremendous advantage for the homeowner in that there is no polish finish to try to keep polished. The honed look is absolutely perfect and is user friendly in that with normal cleanings, the floor should offer years of service at little or no professional attention.

Honing in Sawgrass Country Club

We use a combination of diamond disks and honing powder or brushes to achieve the optimum hone finish. The honing brushes are used when the tiles are significantly uneven. Honing disks, powders and brushes come in a variety of grit levels (220, 400, 800 for example) and it is up to the contractor to determine the proper grit level that the customer request.


During the honing process we will have to fill any holes in the travertine with a mortar or epoxy. This is characteristic of travertine and has to be done in most cases.

After we have the stone honed to the proper level we generally apply a sealer. The sealer will make it easier to remove every day water and oil based stains.  It is important to get to these stains as soon as possible.We always use a solvent based sealer as they seem to penetrate better. These sealers may not be available much longer due to government regulations.

So think of Fabric and Tile Masters for Ponte Vedra Marble Travertine polishing.



Here is a look at an exterior travertine we polished. This result is not typical.



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I am the owner and founder of Fabric & Tile Masters and have decades of experience with all of the categories I write about. We refinish stone walls, counter and floors every day.