Granite Polishing Fernandina


Black Granite Polishing


Black granite is the hardest of all the granite. Fabric and Tile Masters is expert in black granite polishing. Because of the way the stone reveals (like a black BMW that pretty much shows every defect) when viewed across a light source, the challenges are monumental when black granite polishing  this stone. Refinishing any granite is extremely difficult and is no task for the faint of heart. But black granite is the “gold standard” test for even the most highly skilled refinishing expert.

The black granite is so hard it will often not accept even the best sealers. This is different than any other stone. Black granite is just that hard.  Because of this the refinishing process has to be almost perfect in order to be successful.

Our black granite polishing demonstration.

This is a demonstration of a black granite polishing after honing cuts of 200, 400, 800 and 1500 followed by application of a granite polishing compound. The stone is unrecognizable after we hone at 200 grit, but with every pass we develop more clarity and depth of color. Finally after application of honing powder we see the factory finish emerge. On granite refinishing no grit can be skipped as is the case with many marbles.

It is rare that a stone like granite will require honing through a grit progression to a polish. Granite is so hard it is impervious to much of the scratching and low pH etching we see with marble surfaces. That is the point of this video. If we are able to take a black granite to a 220 grit cut, where it is unrecognizable and then bring it back to a factory finish, it is obvious we know what we are doing.

So if you need information or an estimate on your granite restoration project, we will be happy to help you with it.



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I am the owner and founder of Fabric & Tile Masters and have decades of experience with all of the categories I write about. We refinish stone walls, counter and floors every day.